Been using a 965 board with the GMA x3000 IGD. Even though Quake 3 Arena is 8 years old, the fact I can play it at 1280x1024 32bpp at 82fps is amazing. Of course it sucks for anything current but that is leaps and bounds better than anything prior.

Intel just released a "pre-beta" XP driver for the x3000 that enables *hardware* T&L. Its performance is about the same but you can now play games that you could not play prior on the IGD because they check for T&L. Something modest like Temple of elemental evil plays great. They claim Oblivion runs on it, but I am not that brave...

Though I'm now on greener pastures (8800 Ultra), it was a fun experiment for me, and the GMA stuff will only get better. The upcoming G35 chipset partnered with the GMA x3500 is supposed to be a very capable hardware DX10 part. I have no doubt with the money Intel is pouring into their Larrabee project that this nextgen GPU with 32(?!?!) cores will make NVIDIA and DAAMIT sweat bullets.

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