On Jul 17, 2007, at 3:21 PM, Thane Sherrington wrote:

At 02:46 PM 17/07/2007, Anthony Q. Martin wrote:

You think this is good? Power consumption needs to be going down, not up. Most people don't need to be burning all this watts on games anyway. How many people really need a 150W quad-core CPU and 2 220 W GPUs?

I agree completely. Most of this is lazy programming - as proof, one only needs to look at the various NASA probes, which clearly can't be upgraded, yet NASA is often able to increase a probe's abilities by improving the programming. (Game consoles are another good example.) This is the route we need to take with terrestrial computers - rather than rushing to greater and greater processing power, why not improve performance of the software? Other than video drivers, I can't think of any software that has gotten faster with newer versions - more features are common, but generally the entire thing slows down with every new release, thus requiring greater resources.

World of Warcraft and OS X? ;)

It is pretty disappointing that really everyday usability hasn't increased very much in...10 years?

I remember at one point I installed NT4 on a 486 with 16M ram, and it ran "ok." Now from what I hear, you need hot video card, multicore, 1gb ram, etc to run Vista "ok." kinda sad.


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