No reg hack unfortunately unless you want to hose your box. WinXP Home, Pro or Media Center only see ~ 3 1/2 of your 4 gigs and XP Pro64 became an orphan so fast good luck with that. Nope, I don't plan on upgrading to Vista64 until next year because there just isn't any compelling reason. 2 gigs will be plenty for gaming @ this point.

Joe User wrote:
Hello Greg,

Thursday, July 19, 2007, 7:58:25 AM, you wrote:

I must have missed that you were intending on running 4G of memory...this
should work fine, just be aware that you may end up having to loosen your
timings or decrease frequency from the rating to run 4 sticks simultaneously
(stable). Four memory sticks places a lot more load on the memory controller
and frequently will reduce the maximum speed you can run. It really depends
on how nicely all 4 sticks play together. Either way, make sure you spend
some quality time with Memtest86+ when getting it all set up and tuned. :)


No, I just never did the quantity - you didn't miss it.

Yeah I understand XP cant do 4GB? I thought there was a reg hack for
that or something? I suppose I'll just run the 2GB and save the rest.

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