I have though about this on & off in the past years.
Damn it's been a long time 
we've been chatting back & forth!

The only need I have is for my games to be playable.
This is of course limited 
by budget of which I currently have none! Not too bad
since I have a card fast 
enough for HL2 and only really get to play a few hours
a month since I took on 
role of "nanny" for my girl friend's kids last year!

I miss being able to play hours on end and I also miss
making the big bucks 
since being under/unemployed these past 3 years. One
is a sign of getting older, 
I am afraid so might the other be... :(

Anyone have work in the eastern boonies of Wa state
for an aging geek with lots 
of non-specific PC skills? LOL!

FORC5 wrote:
> since Tom's OC forum here
> long time
> wonder if I will get a PC allotment on my SS :-)
> fp
> At 01:40 PM 7/17/2007, Anthony Q. Martin Poked the
stick with:
>> Seems like someone mentioned saving money for
retirement here just recently..... :)
>> Seems as if the collective age of the hardwaregroup
is increasing....many of us have been hanging out here
for years now.
>> FORC5 wrote:
>>> since when did NEED have anything to do with it
>>> fp
>>> At 10:46 AM 7/17/2007, Anthony Q. Martin Poked the
stick with:
>>>> How many people really need a 150W quad-core CPU
and 2 220 W GPUs?

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