I'd leave the password part out since windows should
use the logged in user 
password anyway to authenticate. In fact if username
is not domain based or an 
account other than current login, then there is no
reason to add it since the 
current un/pw is sent automatically.

At 03:21 PM 7/27/2007, Tharin Olsen Poked the stick
>> Yes the prompting about deleting the drive maps
would occur on Windows 2000/9x. There are still a lot
of Windows 2000 machines in my town it seems.
>> An example of a batch file would be something like
the following
>> <--------------- Begin FixDrives.bat
>> @echo off
>> rem A message that is displayed while the script is
>> echo Please wait while your network drives are
>> rem Our first command deletes any existing drive
>> net use * /delete /y
>> rem Next we recreate the shared drives
>> net use p: "\\computer1\public" PASSWORD
>> net use t: "\\computer2\finance" PASSWORD
>> net use z: "\\computer3\admin" PASSWORD /user:USERNAME

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