Hello Robert & T,

Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 5:32:12 PM, you guys wrote:

> I think there was a freeware program called "service or process  explorer" or 
> something
> similar that would break down all the various processes grouped under 
> services and show
> the cpu usage for each.  I've heard of different malware that group 
> themselves under
> services so the scanners won't nab them.

> lopaka

> Probably a problem with Microsoft Update.  Go to that Microsoft
> Update site, and switch back to Windows Update:
> See here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/901037

> You can fix the problem, but I have the steps at the store, so I'll 
> have to email them tomorrow.

> T

I should have held my water. I disabled DNS client and it fixed it.

I see that more and more anymore... Hey thanks for the quick advice!

Appreciate it.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

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