James Maki wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Thane Sherrington
At 01:58 PM 22/11/2007, James Maki wrote:
From what I could find, that was my diagnosis as well. Hence the reason I
was looking for suggestions for a new card :)
Oh. Duh. I'd look at the X1650 or HD2600 Pro. They are fairly inexpensive and will give you a speed boost. On the NVidia side, I'd look at the 8600 line.


Any comments on these two cards? Price seems about right. Not personally familiar with these brands.
Sapphire ATI card- (~$85 with shipping)

XFX nVidia card- (~$97 with rebate and shipping)

Thanks for the input.

Jim Maki
I've owned several Sapphire cards and even had a Radeon 9600XT go out on me. Sapphire gave me an RMA no questions of warranty and sent out a replacement within a couple weeks. Highly recommended! I hope you'll support AMD because as we all know without their competition we'd still be barely past the era of the PIII and prices would be astronomical as well. You should read some reviews on the new AMD 3850's as they are currently the best bang for the buck @ an inexpensive $180. It's really not that much more expensive than the others you're looking @ and would future proof you for a couple more years.

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