Great info Brian, thank you!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Weeden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: [H] X-Box 360 questions...

You are probably not going to find a Wii. They have been sold out or
at really low inventory for the last year.  If you can find one I
would snag it immediately.  Cheapest one of the 3 and awesome games.
Hell, most people I know are happy with just the pack-in Wii Sports
games.  Add Zelda, Metroid, Super Mario Galaxy, and a whole mess of
other games and it is the best hands-down.  Even my wife, who hates
video games and never plays, got into a game of Wii bowling at a

I would definitely say the premium is worth it, especially if you need
the HD cable and if you have a back catalog of Xbox games.  The HD is
very nice because you can download trailers and stuff on it but not
required as Microsoft demands that game developers assume people don't
have it.  And the killer app for the 360 is Live - it's really an
awesome experience with the headset and really, really easy to do
online gaming.

Like anything else, its the apps that really makes a device.  In this
case, games.  Sony has failed to learn from their many mistakes in the
past and assumed that by appealing to the hardcore gamers with the
technology features in their console it would win.  On launch it was
expensive and had pretty much zero games.  That has been partially
fixed with price drops and a growing number of games but still its not

The only reason I would go with a PS3 is if playing Blu-Ray DVDs was a
feature.  It is the cheapest player on the market (outside of some
special deals).  Likewise you can get a pretty cheap (~$200) HD-DVD
drive addon for the 360.  But either of these consoles will not play
the other format so most people like me are simply waiting for a cheap
player that does both formats.

The PS2 is actually a decent option - its really cheap, very small
package, and has a huge library of pretty cheap games.  Which is
probably why it is outselling the PS3 still :)

On Nov 30, 2007 1:09 PM, Christopher Fisk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, 29 Nov 2007, Veech wrote:

> I'm researching getting the kids an XBox 360 for Christmas. Is the XBox > 360 > Premium worth the extra bucks? Any pros or cons to XBox vs other > platforms > such as PlayStation 2? They want Guitar Hero, is XBox the best - or > only -
> platform to buy for this game?
> Finally, is there a way to get any deals or is it price-locked?
> Thanks for any info...

Guitar Hero 3 is available for PS2, PS3, Wii and XBox360.  Go with
whichever one offers the other features you want.

Christopher Fisk
        Bart Simpson on chalkboard in episode AABF21

Brian Weeden

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