Agreed on Sapphire's RMA being no sweat, good company.

HD3850 Best bang compared to 8800GT when they hit $200
in a few weeks??? News to me!

zaske wrote:
> James Maki wrote:
> I've owned several Sapphire cards and even had a
Radeon 9600XT go out on 
> me. Sapphire gave me an RMA no questions of warranty
and sent out a 
> replacement within a couple weeks. Highly
recommended! I hope you'll 
> support AMD because as we all know without their
competition we'd still 
> be barely past the era of the PIII and prices would
be astronomical as 
> well. You should read some reviews on the new AMD
3850's as they are 
> currently the best bang for the buck @ an
inexpensive $180. It's really 
> not that much more expensive than the others you're
looking @ and would 
> future proof you for a couple more years.

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