At 09:47 12/08/2007 -0500, you wrote:

DHSinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Al,
> Thank you for the offer.

Special for you.  :)
I hope it's OK to forward this email to the Group.
Please forgive if it offends.

> I hope the attached zipper makes the trip. Added
> an index with text about each pic.

The "index" didn't make it into the zip file...

> The text is:

> MWO1.jpg - View into kitchen from dining/computer room. MWO is now in the
> far corner just right of center. The counter top on the left just this side
> of the reefer is where the MWO was. Router and dsl modem used to be on the
> top shelf - now in the rear (guest) BR.

> MWO2.jpg - counter top where MWO used to be. Dishwasher is in the cabinet
> and shares AC power with wall receptacle. The AC receptacle was shared
> between the MWO and my primary computer power feed. The coffee machine is
> roughly the same height as the MWO.

> MWO3.jpg - Still working on dressing up all the snakes with ty-raps!

I would suggest not having the cat5 cables and the utility power cords
running parallel. Best is not near each other.
Second best (and plenty OK) is to cross at right angles.
> ---
> If this is confusing I'll be happy to clarify.  I'll be out most of the
> morning trying to help get my Sister's new dsl network up and running. I
> should be ready to handle any/all comments by mid-afternoon.
> Thanks again.
> Best,
> Duncan


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