If you are looking to make backup images of installed OSes, I have been
using Acronis Disk Image tools to backups images of my windows systems for
about a year now.  I made a primary image when I first installed and then
once a week Acronis builds a differential for me automatically and I have it
store them on a networked server, although it can image to CD/DVD as well.
When I need to restore I pop the rescue CD into my computer, boot to it,
connect to the network drive, and about 10 minutes later it is back up and

It's not the cheapest software in the world but I find it simple and easy.
Once I set it up the only problem I have to worry about is running out of
space on my backup server.

On Dec 11, 2007 3:22 PM, Thane Sherrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm looking for a rock reliable backup program that will allow me to
> schedule backups to CD and DVD.  Any suggestions?
> T

Brian Weeden

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