The fact that the hard drive was formatted with Win2K/XP is why you see the 
NTLDR message, this is nothing to worry about. The more pressing issue is why 
your CD-ROM did not boot. If the cd was burned properly it should have booted. 
An ISO is a disc image and would already contain the necessary boot loader if 
thats how the cd was meant to be used.

Did you actually create a cd FROM a disc image or did you just place the iso 
file onto the cd??? What I mean is if you look at the contents of your cd drive 
from windows do you see a bunch of files or just one little lonely iso file?? 
The burned cd should have a volume name of "FreeNAS_cd", a directory called 
boot and a couple of gnuzipped files in the root path, 17 files in all on the 

Just in case... try using Active@ ISO Burner, a small freeware utility, to burn 
a new disc. It is designed to just burn iso files. Dummy proof for a sod like 
me :)

Download Page

Direct Link

-Tharin O.

DHSinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: What do I need to add to my cdrw to get 
it to read and play?
Have cd burned with a dot-iso for FreeNAS. Yes, know it is FreeBSD based.
The cd seems to be missing some (?) boot loader. Which one?
Am getting the following msg:

Verifying DMI Pool Data.............
Boot from ATAPI CD-ROM:  Failure....

NTLDR is missing
Press CAD to restart

Where do I start? No idea why IT looks for NTLDR. The hard drive has been 
Perhaps I need to format it yet again........from MSDOS.... :)
It is only 1.08GB in size, and, is really old......but still kicking....
I'll be up most of the night with this one.

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