What I like about them is a single vendor to go to for support.

If I have RAM go bad, I call up Dell and I have a replacement the next day. If I have RAM go bad in a whitebox, I have to remember where I bought the RAM, then either go to them (if it's generic) or go to Crucial, Corsair, Kingston, etc. and fight with them to get an RMA number, then mail the bad part in and either pay for a cross ship (if they will do it), or wait 2-3 weeks to get a replacement shipped to me.

Multiply that by any quantity and it makes supporting whitebox stuff very hard.

I have three Asus barebones servers in my server room. I had the motherboard go bad on one. It took about a month to get it back up and running, partly because Asus doesn't cross ship, and the first replacement board they sent me was completely wrong.

j maccraw wrote:
Mass-manufactured PC's suck in general!

Until you consider it's cheaper to replace one then it
is to debug/repair it esp. if your corp. bought a large number of them at a clip which elevates your support level.

Joe User wrote:
OK... so we've had XP/Vista, 'The AV argument', next
is Dell vs.
Custom Built/White boxes...


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