Run a repair within Word, under Help I think its called Detect and Repair...

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Weeden
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 1:40 PM
To: hwg
Subject: [H] Word keeps crashing

Just started a couple days ago.  When I launch Word 2003 either from
command line, shortcut, or by double-clicking a doc file it
immediately presents a crash screen.  If I tell it to load in safe
mode it works fine.  Otherwise it just keeps on crashing.

I did some googling and it turns out this could have several problems.
 One is a corrupt, the default template file.  So I deleted
it and presto Word loaded fine.  But when I closed Word it created a
new and then went back to it's crashing behavior again.  So
the problem has to be deeper.

Another article mentioned it might be caused by bad temp files so I
nuked all of those.  A third article mentioned disabling any global
templates and com add-ins that are present in the C:\Documents and
Settings\ username\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\Startup folder.  I
checked and nothing there.

I can run Word with the wordwin.exe /a command just fine now  but I'm
still bugged by what might have been the root cause.  Any suggestions?
 The only thing I can think is that the Adobe toolbars that keep
popping up (even though I tell them not to) are the cause.  These are
the Contribute and ScanSoft PDF toolbars.  I found out how to disable
the Contribute toolbar but it didn't help.  As soon as Word wrote the
new it started crashing again.

Brian Weeden
Technical Consultant
Secure World Foundation

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