I've only had a laptop for about 18 months now and just experienced my first
HD failure.  I actually got a heads-up from SMART a few days prior that
failure was imminent so no data was lost.  But I've never dealt with
notebook HDs before so I was wondering if there was anything I should be
looking for in a replacement.

I have heard that just recently they came out with drives with on-board
encryption. I would love to have that but I'm guessing that the BIOS needs
to support it.  The laptop is an HP NC600 series that I bought refurbished
so it's a few years old.  Centrino-based and works just fine for what I

Are there any incompatibility things that I should be on the look out for?
Or are most notebook drives pretty much interchangeable?

Brian Weeden
Technical Consultant
Secure World Foundation

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