"Brian Weeden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are there any incompatibility things that I should be on the look out for?
> Or are most notebook drives pretty much interchangeable?

That unit sold with 30/40 GB drives, there might be a BIOS limitation on
going much larger. I would guess an 80Gb would work. Get a 7200 RPM
drive, it's worth the extra $.

Get two drives and keep an up to date image on the second drive:
If you shop around, you may find it even cheaper. Be sure you are
getting the PATA version.

Between full images, you can copy email folders, etc. to the second
drive. If the internal drive fails, just pop in the second drive. Back
up and running in a few minutes.

I replaced my laptop drive well before it could go bad, and use it as
the second drive. It's seldom turned on, so it should last a long time.
And the upgrade from 5400 to 7200 was a nice bonus.

Also, never move a laptop while it's powered up. I know there are
commercials with someone sitting on the couch with the unit in their lap.
The big print giveth and the fine print taketh away. All of the fine
print that comes with laptops, that I've read, say not to move it while
it's running.


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