Your Mac is doing it because you have Windows file sharing turned on. If you're not sharing anything on the Mac to Windows clients then you shouldn't need to have it turned on.

One thing that you could do to get around the browser issues would be to not rely on NetBIOS for name resolution. You could do this one of two ways:

1) Give all of your machines static IP's, and make entries for each of them in each machine's hosts file.

2) Set up a local DNS server, and have your DHCP server send over the IP and hostname info to the DNS server when they register a lease. This is easy to do with Windows DNS/DHCP, slightly harder with Linux, and probably impossible if you have your home router handling DHCP.

You'd have this problem even if you had a Windows Home Server or *nix box running. For whatever reason NetBIOS over TCP/IP is not working right in your environment. You'd have the same sort of problems connecting to a Microsoft or Samba SMB share. Using something besides NetBIOS for name resolution should net you some performance benefits.

Brian Weeden wrote:
I've posted here before about this problem and really haven't solved
anything yet.  For those that haven't heard my ranting before, the issue
with the Windows on a peer-to-peer network and browsing.  If you have a


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