At 02:40 PM 05/03/2008, Greg Sevart wrote:
Hmm, that's contrary to the SP1 reviews I'd read...were these "established"
Pre-SP1 Vista machines, or clean installs of both?

I've tried both. And the argument that a slow Vista machine must be blamed on 3rd party software is bunk, IMO. I can speed up an XP machine by removing the startup crapware and reconfiguring the services easily - this can't be done with Vista. Removing startup programs doesn't have the same affect.

The reason I ask is that SP1 clears Vista's SuperFetch learned behavior
cache, so it's re-learning from scratch. That could play a big role in that

How long would it take Superfetch to relearn? If I rebooted 10 times, should it slowly get faster until I see an improvement, in theory? If so, I'd be happy to test that.


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