
A while back someone gave me an older PC that I set up for my youngest
daughter.  It is a PIII 700Mhz machine running XP Pro and 512MB RAM.  

The system started running slowly.  I tracked it down to a very high
interrupt processing time (30-90% viewed via process explorer).  The drive
is stuck in one of the PIO modes.  I ran the registry mods that I think I
got from here a long time ago and it did not fix it.  I tried various things
that I found out via Google, but still nothing.  I even replaced it with
another drive thinking that it might be a drive issue.  But it is the same
old thing.

Anyone know what else I might try?  Do you think it might be the EIDE
controller on the MB?  I could put a Promise EIDE controller in there, but
most likely I'd have to format and start over.


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