Thanks Joe!

Chapter one is written, but the story is far from
over. I think we all know what kind 
of an asshole I can be and I'm not conceding loss yet.
Biggest sticking point for me 
is IF (big IF) then have a functional card I want
x-ship & call tags because I am not 
paying anymore $$$ for this thing nor being down for
weeks. As it is I'm getting 
burnt for $40 because I ordered less than a week
before the price drop & rebate 
kicked in, so I am digging my heels in.

Nvidia was a non-starter here and the card is damn
fast if the cool just worked the 
way it's supposed to! There's a lot of flack going
around that I did not see before 
ordering and it's not just Sapphire though they are
"No. 1 Manufacturer".

Joe User wrote:
> Hello j,
> Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 8:32:36 PM, you wrote:
>> So folks, spend your funds somewhere else because
>> official & unofficial this smells 
>> of BS!
> Good info - thanks for sharing - sucks you got

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