Brian Weeden wrote:

See, this is the thing.  I could understand it if it was a whole
entire module that had to be added on.  But the code to freaking do
this is already in EVERY copy of Vista!!!!  All you need to do is make
a modification to one DLL and a registry edit and presto - as many
simultaneous logins as you want.  Same thing with everything else in
Vista ultimate - every single copy of Vista sold (no matter which
version you buy) has all the features.  The license you buy (Basic,
Home Premium, Ultimate) just determines which features get unlocked.

It's just artificial market segmentation for the sake of being able to
sell different "feature" sets at different price points.  Which I can
sort of understand from a business POV but it sure does make me mad as
a consumer.  Of course all it takes is one enterprising hacker who
figures out how to enable all the disabled features and it's all over.

So, is it possible to unlock enough stuff to turn Home into Ultimate?

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