those pop ups are usually scare tactics to get you to click on something and 
install their spyware.

did you look at it in his machine ? If drive is wiped restore disks are 
available from HP for usually less the $50


At 09:14 AM 8/11/2008, Joe User Poked the stick with:
>        Have a guy that brought in his Wal-Mart sold HP/Crapaq laptop.
>He tells me he was surfing pr0n and got a message that his system was
>infected and he just shut down his system and called me. I asked him
>if this was possibly a pop up ad and he doesn't think it was. However,
>he doesn't know if the AV was working or even current. The system is
>around 6 - 7 months old. It has Vista Home Premium OEM on the COA.
>       I took the drive out and tried to access it and as soon as
>Windows explorer tries to access it asks me to format it. I am using
>Win2K Pro to do this but last I knew Vista had WinFS left out so I
>assume it uses NTFS or at least FAT32. So I should be able to read it.
>I can only assume the drive got wiped out. The problem now is he
>didn't get any discs with it and since the drive is wiped out the
>recovery partition is also gone. I would try to recover the file
>system but I am thinking maybe it would be better to start from
>scratch. I had never seen this kind of damage from a infection though
>but he denies any other issues with the unit, no grinding noises to
>make me suspect HDD issues.
>     Since I only have a copy of Vista Business upgrade (ala MAPS) I
>guess all I can do is ask for a recovery disc from HP/Crapaq?
> joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

Tallyho ! ]:8)
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To HELL with the Prime Directive.... FIRE!!! - Kirk

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