I've made a quick spreadsheet of possible builds.

Please have a look and let me know what you guys think.


On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 8:20 AM, Stan Zaske <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Big update!
> http://www.anandtech.com/weblog/showpost.aspx?i=498
> Naushad Zulfiqar wrote:
>> I'm thinking of building a new system.  I really really don't want a
>> monster
>> case style system.  After looking at shuttle's prices, I think I can build
>> my own for a bit cheaper, but I would like to do a bit of comparison
>> first.
>> I have settled on a Silverstone case
>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811163078 to which
>> I
>> would like to pair an appropriate mATX motherboard.
>> Right now I haven't settled on AMD or INTEL, but I am leaning a bit
>> towards
>> AMD.  You can pick up a Phenom X3 for around a hundred bucks, and the mobo
>> should be around a 100 bucks too.
>> I can scrounge up some drives and optical drives from here and there, and
>> RAM is dirt cheap these days, so I could have a system up and running in
>> no
>> time.
>> For VGA card, I think I will go with an ATI solution.  Which one, I don't
>> know, but something in the 200-250 range.
>> That being said, I think I can have a very nice computer and very small in
>> size for around 500 bucks or so.
>> So, which mATX motherboard is really good.  Intel or AMD.  Right now I'm
>> in
>> the planning phase so it's all in the air right now.

Best Regards,

Zulfiqar Naushad

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