I have been having these folders pop up on one of my stand alone drives for a month now.

 Directory of H:\dcade4f357d18b8d14e36f46c8

09/25/2008  12:07 AM    <DIR>          .
09/25/2008  12:07 AM    <DIR>          ..
11/02/2006  07:22 AM            51,680 kmdfcustom.dll
10/08/2006  09:51 PM            14,640 spmsg.dll
10/08/2006  09:51 PM           221,488 spuninst.exe
10/08/2006  09:51 PM            23,856 spupdsvc.exe
09/25/2008  12:07 AM    <DIR>          update
11/02/2006  07:22 AM           492,000 wdf01000.sys
11/02/2006  07:22 AM            32,224 wdfldr.sys
               6 File(s)        835,888 bytes
               3 Dir(s)  218,024,284,160 bytes free

A Google search says the files are MS and safe, but I can't figure out why these folders keep getting dumped this particular drive. I get up to four of them on the drive at a time. I can not delete them. Even if I boot into another OS I can not delete them. The only way I can get rid of them is to do a quick format of the drive.

This is a single 300GB drive partitioned with one logical partition. It is not a boot or system drive. It is the second drive on the system but just a capture / storage drive.

I am running current anti virus, and Zone Alarm Pro for spy ware and malware... plus I do Karparski web scans. I'm careful , I'm clean, and these are suppose to me MS files???

It is getting really annoying to have them keep popping up and being unable to delete them or stop this. Any ideas?

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