We have both.  If I could chose just 1 it would be the ps3.  Here's why:

(1). Xbox live costs.  And you can't play online without it.  Ps3 network?  

(2). I've had 2 xbox's die (once red ring, once the two red light hsf failure). 
Ms warranty policy?  One bite at the apple.  After that $99.  

(3). Media.   Sony connects to any network share, plays divx/xvid, and will 
scan linux and other shares also.  Microsoft's media center extender in xbox360 
is cool... Except no divx support!  (Divx doesn't work over the extender 
function, only shares) unless you use something like transcode 360. 

(4) Sony's online store is infinitely safer and better then xboxlive.  Xbox 
saves your cc info and autobills as needed.  Ps3 you enter a card and pay in.  
Benefit?  Wait until you've found a kid spend $200 on xbox live because ms had 
the card on file.  Sony's purchasing system is also in the more informative 
'dollars' vs microsoft's ridiculous 'points' system. 

(5). Sony allows save game files and data to be shared.  Want to see hidden 
levels or share save points?  Email them to a sony user.  Ms save game data 
exists only in a user profile and can't move outside of it.  Play a game in the 
wrong account and then want to play later fixed?   Can't on xbox. 

(6). Hard drives.  Want a bigger hdd on your ps3?  Go grab any standard laptop 
sata.  Cheap.  Microsoft?  Pay $200 for a goofball hdd 120gb slapped in a 

(7). Nothing beats pixeljunk.  

(8). Even on its best behavior an xbox sounds like a constantly running 
dustbuster on a low setting. Ps3?  So quiet you don't notice. 

------Original Message------
From: GM
To: hardware@hardwaregroup.com
ReplyTo: hardware@hardwaregroup.com
Sent: Oct 20, 2008 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: [H] PS3 or Xbox360

She's 24 and fiance is 26. Friends not an issue. She likes RPG's while her
guy prolly likes guy games.


>It really depends on what her friends have. 


>Also, how old is your daughter, if she is around high school-ish age, then 

>Most probably the 360 because of the strong online capabilities. 




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