Forget Duncan's insight, well intentioned but only vaguely accurate. That's not how you'd go about testing this issue since the power good line of the PSU is showing OK as the system powers up & stays on depending on case orientation.

When you say "start" I assume you mean "power" button jumper header on the mobo, I would not concern myself with metering the voltage across this jumper. Shorting it either powers on the system or it doesn't. Normally diagnosis of it & the switch is manually shorting the mobo's powersw pins but you've replaced the switch anyway.

Most likely something is loose that should be screwed down or the ATX power connector is not seated solidly into the mobo socket. Hence stand it on end, something shifts.

Sam Franc wrote:
Do you have any idea what pin on the 24 pin power connector provides the connection to turn on the power supply.

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