What pushes you to vista exactly? the 3450 DOES have drivers for XP

On 4 Dec 2008, at 01:54, DHSinclair wrote:

Yes, perhaps this might be part of this current kurfuffle.
Fine. I can accept this; but, I will not be driven by a video card mfg to an OS upgrade to Vista just to play with the card! That just suckx in my book. The folks that play Vista and live happy, fine. I salute you. Live well and prosper! I've lived through the past 3 years of bitching about Vista. I choose NO! I live with w2kproSP4 and XPproSP3. If ATI does not care for this, I have a
fall back plan.  It is called nVidia!

At 01:02 12/04/2008 +0000, you wrote:
um, ATI.com doesn't appear to _have_ drivers for Windows 2000 for the
3450 ?

On 4 Dec 2008, at 00:48:300, DHSinclair wrote:

OK, my new MSI ATI Radeon 3450 arrived today.

I did remove my test Matrox PCI G200 per proper removal. Shut-down
and pulled the G200.
(The ATI CD is in the reader.)
I installed the 3450 per the directions.
Power the PC on.
It did light up!  The card works...........
That ends the good news.............

I can not load drivers for it!  I keep getting error msgs about
Vista 64. WTF.(?)
The widows say I loaded the drivers, but so far NO Soap! Screen res
remains 640x480.
My OS is W2Kpro SP4.

The driver pop-ups keep talking about HD Audio drivers that I do not
wish to load.  I am using the RealTek on-board audio supplied by the
Asus P5Q3.

So, I went to ATI and dl'd the last/latest driver for w2kpro.  It
will not work either!  The process dies because it can NOT find a
proper dot-inf file..........  I am greatly confused now.
nVidia NEVER did this.  Sorry.  But, at the moment, ATI is not
making me a happy camper.

Any clues or help will be greatly appreciated!
If I can not get this card to load, I am back again to nVidia.
Thank you,

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