Using vlite is how I discovered the several hundred MB of unnecessary tablet
PC stuff that is part of every Vista install, including desktops.

Had a weird problem with the one time I did a vlite install.  Somehow, it
corrupted the real administrator account.  I was logged in as administrator
and tried to change the boot options to enable minidumps and it kept telling
me I didn't have the right privledges.  Weird.


On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Bryan Seitz <> wrote:

> Yeah nLite/vLite are AWESOME.
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 11:01:36AM -0800, JRS wrote:
> > Yep.? I use the?Freeware?nLite to strip?stuff out of my Windows installs
> too when I do the SP slipstreams.? :)?
> > Works like a charm.?
> > ?
> > --
> > JRS steinie**
> > Please remove **X** to reply...
> >
> >
> >
> > I will switch to Vista once there are no activation issues, and when
> utilities can strip out all the unnecessary crap to streamline the OS. I use
> XP64 and a custom Lite version of XP for non 64-bit boxes. XPLite only takes
> about 300 megs for the OS and is way faster without the bloatware.
> >
> > lopaka
> --
> Bryan G. Seitz

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