Well, this doesn't fall into the cheap category, but a Chumby would do what you want to do. Maybe you could find a used one.


Joe User wrote:
Hello HWG,

      I just can't settle on a solution to an issue I have. See, I
  live out in the sticks. AM radio is a nightmare in the evenings. I
  want to listen to talk radio when I go to sleep. The bedroom is
  upstairs and I have no network connections up there. I have the
  ability to do wireless networking. The bedroom is on the top floor
  of the home and my bed is near a window. I have considered Internet
  radio but don't know anything more about it then that it exists and
  I have considered satellite radio service (xm/siris/other?). When I
  lived in upstate NY I used to listen to 81 WGY (810 AM) because in
  the evening was a talk radio show that discussed daily events and
  random chat basically. They had call-ins and what-not. It doesn't
  have to be theme based like gardening but I am open to options.
    As this is probably no surprise - I want to do this as cheap as
  possible. I will listen to whatever it is through a headphone jacked
  pillow speaker as to not disturb the wife. I have seen Wi-Fi Net
  radios but never seen a home install satellite radio. Just need a
  little advice and help if someone knows more about this stuff.


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