Check out this Outlook converter, only 60 bucks for a site license..

JRS       steinie**
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From: Steve Tomporowski <>
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 8:58:37 AM
Subject: Re: [H] Message format in Outlook 2003

A little bit of searching and I've found out that we're pretty much
screwed.  If we had Word 2003, we could use that as editor and do any
conversion, since we've never upgraded, that's that.

The whole idea of using rtf is to keep the email and attachment
together.  If you save as html, then you have to save the attachment
separately or at least in the screwed up way our system is now.

As for why, it's fit for a dilbert cartoon.  Apparently if the message
is in it's native form, either still in outlook or saved as a .msg
file, our lawyers believe that it is admissible as evidence in court.
As soon as it is changed in form, it's not admissible in court.  It
seems that our lawyers believe that we either are or will in the
future do plenty of stuff to get us into legal trouble, so they want
to cover their buttocks.  Of course, if one of our customers knows
about this, they can screw us over royally by producing emails they
have, but we have long since deleted.  We would have no leg to stand


On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Joe User <> wrote:
> Hello Steve,
> Friday, January 23, 2009, 8:20:32 AM, you wrote:
>> This is a question about a situation at my job.
>> The IT department does very strange things here.  Stuff will work,
>> then they 'improve' it and then issue a workaround because things
>> don't work anymore.
>> Currently we are using Outlook 2003 SP3, mainly because IT got it
>> free.  It broke a few processes mainly because we have an older
>> version Office.  They didn't upgrade Word, Excel, etc because that
>> would have cost money.  Now the Legal department has gotten involved
>> and suddenly saving messages in Outlook format for more than 1 year is
>> now against company policy.  Now we have 6 months to convert all .msg
>> files to either .html or .txt or .rtf and delete the original or IT
>> will delete them for us (whether they are converted or not).
>> Of the 3 formats, the only one that will preserve attachments without
>> the extra step of saving them separately is .rtf.  Of course you know
>> that the old Outlook always worked in rtf but the new Outlook always
>> worked in html.
>> My issue is with converting the html files so that you preserve
>> attachments.  The IT work around forces you (or more likely Outlook
>> forces you) to convert an html file to text first, only then do you
>> have the option to convert to rtf.  In the process, although you do
>> preserve the attachment but the formatting is lost.  Inline responses
>> that used to be in color are now more difficult to see and God forbid
>> if you actually had a table in there.
>> So after all this preample, is there a way to convert directly from an
>> html format in the .msg files to rtf?
>> Just for reference, the IT work around is to open the .msg file,
>> Edit-Edit Message-Format-Text (the only options shown are text and
>> html), the again Edit-Edit Message-Format-Rich Text.
>> I've only have just over 3000 messages to go....
>> Thanks....Steve
> This sounds retarded. A lot of work to save a file that could just be
> left the way it is and it would be fine. Why must they be rtf? If it's
> all about attachments and, while not mentioned, I assume these
> attachments are threaded emails or some document format, why not just
> leave them as html? Seems like this is being overly complicated.
> --
> Regards,
>  joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...
> " these points of data make a beautiful line..."

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