I did a bit of looking aorund and found that this applies to Vista, does it also apply to XP?

----- Original Message ----- From: <tmse...@rlrnews.com>
To: <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 17:02
Subject: Re: [H] Did System Cleanup, Now XP Does Not Recognize Lite-On DVD-RW

Find and clear the high and low filters in your registry

God I'm doing this from memory so maybe way off, but I believe its:

Hklm\system\current control set\control\class\

Look for upperfiters and lowerfilters entries. Don't delete them themselves, but all the crap under them can go. Then reset

(Corrected the above, damn, the bold is slickness, direct cut and paste to app).
Sent via BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "Veech" <ve...@earthlink.net>

Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 16:49:05
To: <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
Subject: [H] Did System Cleanup, Now XP Does Not Recognize Lite-On DVD-RW

I had to do a major clean-up after getting infected with a nasty virus a few
days ago.  Now I'm finding that a lot of my XP settings are goofed up and
need to be reset. Some are minor, such as the clock in the toolbar being
military time.

But one major glitch is that now XP is showing my 2 Lite-On DVD-RWs in
hardware profiles with a yellow warning icon, and they are not showing as
recognized drives in "My Computer",  I tried uninstalling then and
rebooting, but XP still did not see them as new hardware.  ack!

There aren't "drivers" available, although there is a firmware update
available but I don't know if that would help or not.  Directions for
installing the firmware say to burn the data to a CDR..  duh..  CDR isn't

Any ideas?



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