I use xdsl from AT&T via BellSouth.net. I rcvd a notice that AT&T wants to MOVE me to their NEW EMail/Webpage/Whatever service. OK. I just finished re-identifying myself via their NEW login frontend............ Anyway, it seems that AT&T is moving all of its' EMail business to Yahoo.com. Personally, I suspect they need the bandwidth for their new TV service; but I could be so wrong!

The two new email ip's I now have for POP and SMTP are Yahoo and located in Sunnyvale, CA. Kinda fer away for a pooboy in GA! Funnier still is that NeoTrace tells me my route will be: Chattanooga-New Orleans-Nashville-Cleveland-Philidelphia-?Virginia-Sunnyvale..... (I suppose the ?Virginia node is the NSA for now!)

I will deal with local futz about Eudora/TBird to use this new service. I use POP ATM, but, may try SMTP for the added SSL security (if there is any?). Both Eudora and TBird seem to do SMTP.......... I think?

Right now I am looking for opinions of others that use Yahoo for EMail............ Before I start this conversion. I do so know it will not be clean and tidy! LOL!
Thank you very much,

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