At 10:59 AM 3/8/2009, you wrote:
Don't play games so I can't help you much there, but the funny thing is that
most game "incompatibilities" with Vista64 aren't due to the game itself,
but the crummy anti-copying/DRM infections publishers feel they must

Thanks, Greg.
I know you are enamored with Vista 64 but I have been struggling with Vista 64 for months now and I keep thinking things are better and I am going to see all the value in it... but I haven't. One thing is for sure, I would not let Vista or Office 2007 anywhere near my company... the hassles and learning curve with Vista and Office 2007 would cut productivity by 80 percent.

Most people in a office environment have very limited and specific computer skills and now you want them to forget all that and start over? I am only managing because I use XP PRO with Office 2003 in a VM to get my work done.

From a user point of view the only thing that I really like is the 8GB of RAM and I could make a long list of the things I don't like. I think MS was so use to the my way or the highway upgrade, and the we will drag everyone along as we continue to add new to PC users on a massive scale,... that it was/ is in a state of shock that so many disklike the programs. But the real surprise must of been the lack of new user base to pull the old user base into their idea of the future. The pie isn't getting bigger in the way it use to be and MS finds itself trying to appease it's existing user base.


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