No, I never saw this.........I will re-read several times more. At first read, nothing in this share links up with what I saw/see. At first blush, I think/see some sneaky baddie. Just can not yet prove 1 way or t'other! I was re-acting from many past List commentary regarding this WGA and XP over the past several years. I tend to trust List commentary a bit more than other sources. As I have never had a problem in the past, I expected no future "noise." Perhaps a bad expectation............ :(

I needed a "new" project. The grass is not quite yet shaggy enough to unpack the mower from its' winter-over............ :)

I will pull the machine offline and have a deeper look. Perhaps 1 or more of the "required" WGA files somehow got dorked up. I accept that "stuff happens." I have seen it too many times before. If I can get to a state where I can create/share a "screen capture", I will.............

At 13:39 03/21/2009 -0800, you wrote:

Have you looked here:

Anything look familiar?

There's also a possibility WGA hit you with a false positive.

Does M$ reimburse you for your troubleshooting time? Didn't think so.


DHSinclair wrote:
I have now had one of my new (6mo+) WinXP machines do something very strange and scary (well to me anyway). Yes, I am freaked out ATM!

Late last night I went to this machine to flush and shutdown the Dnetc application "rc5-72." I did this, no problem. Then I chose to update both my MalwareBytes and SpybotS&D signature files. This machine has ESET a/v installed and is on my lan behind a NAT router.

Post the updates, the default screen background (Bliss-the meadow scene) kind of like un-scrolled, erased, leaving me with a plain black background! This was followed by the appearance of a very official looking MS "Genuine Advantage" window in the lower right corner telling me that my WinXP installed OS now appears to be suspect! It wanted me to go get some file and run it. I did not!!!!!

Is this real?  Is this a worm/virus/trojan I now need to go find?

I rebooted to SafeMode and hard scanned the machine with ESET. I found nothing.
No, I did NOT try to run MWBytes or SpybotS&D in SafeMode......dumb me!!!!
I may try this later this afternoon off the lan!
I believe that I fully backed up this machine this past December; so if I have to kill/rebuild it I should loose very little. The system is ~6mo old.

The machine is now OFF (psu=0) and disconnected from the lan.

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