I am running Vista 64 Ultimate.  I am using an admin account also.  I do use
UAC though.  I wonder if turning UAC off is what is causing you issues?
When I run regedit (from the search thing on the start menu), I do get a UAC
pop-up.  I click on continue and all is well.

I misread your earlier post and thought you were not running as admin.  My
understanding is that when you run as admin, you are really running at a
lower level than admin and the system uses UAC to elevate you to admin


-----Original Message-----
From: hardware-boun...@hardwaregroup.com
[mailto:hardware-boun...@hardwaregroup.com] On Behalf Of Winterlight
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 7:10 PM
To: hardware@hardwaregroup.com
Subject: Re: [H] Vista Permissions

>You can right-click on the shortcut and select Run as Administrator (or set
>the setting in the properties for the shortcut and run as admin).  I think
>that either way, it will make you enter the credentials of an administrator
>if the current user is not one.

That does not work on some things, like for example, opening regedit. 
When I go to run, and enter regedit I see <This task will be created 
with administrative privileges> but when I execute I see a pop up 
that reads Registry editing has been disable by  your 
administrator.... which I don't get because I AM an 
administrator!  But if I log out and log back in as THE Administrator 
then I can use regedit.

> >And if I want to start loging in exclusively as the Administrator, is
> >there a easy way to move all of windows settings from my current user
> >to the Administrator account so I don't have to redo everything?
>The easiest way would be to just change your user logon to an admin

I am already an ADMIN account!

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