> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anthony Q. Martin

> > nothing but problems.
> The receiver or the other stuff?  Which receiver?

Yamaha RX-V365

Each component works fine on its own. 

--DVD player works via component cables (and not when hooked up via HDMI to

--Comcast PVR works fine, but not if connected to the Receiver or HDTV via
HDMI. I can get audio via digital optical to the reciever. All works fine if
connected via component cables.

Computer works fine if connected via 5.1 cables from sound card to reciever.
No sound available over HDMI through reciever or HDTV.

> Yes, this sucks. Do you have your component cables switched?

No. I can't get digital audio via the component cables.

> What HDMI cable are you using?

A generic cable.

> > To make things worse, the HDMI audio configuration only 
> > allows selecting
> > STEREO. No 5.1 surround sound available.
> Where is this setting being made? Video card driver?

The audio control in the right hand area of the task bar, or via Sound in
the control panel.

> Well, you have a PC in your system that I don't have.  I have 
> an Onkyo 
> 706 receiver.  The HD cable receiver plugs in via HDMI, the blu-ray 
> player plugs in via HDMI, the TIVO series 2 plug in via S-video & 
> optical.  All of this is outputted to the TV via HDMI and it 
> all works 
> fine.  Perhaps there is some settings that you need to make to tell 
> things to output over HDMI or such. I know the blu-ray player has 
> several options that have to do with on-board decoding or output over 
> bitstream. Since like at one thing component ought to work, 
> though. Is 
> there some setting in the receiver?  Perhaps it is faulty.

I am pretty sure the problem lies in the HDMI Audio setup on the computer
and the problems associated with HDMI/HDCP DMI interference. Both the
Comcast PVR and DVD player complain about when hooked up via the HDMI. That
is a separate problem, I believe, than the inability to get any sound out of
the new HD 4670 video card.

Still searching for an answer, but may just go back to the old setup which
at least worked even if it didn't give me digital audio from my computer.

Jim Maki

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