You checked that Eudora is pointed to by internet options & "mailto:"; protocol launches it?

FORC5 wrote:
sw for scan and fax only, another irritant is it does not see Eudora as my email proggy on scan to mail. no idea what's up with that. MS have a monopoly on email these days,

At 05:15 PM 5/18/2009, Stan Zaske Poked the stick with:
This may be a noob question but didn't HP send a software disk with your 
printer that would do what you want?

FORC5 wrote:
Been using Winvelope for a very long time, was not even supposed to work with 
XP but I made it go. Was having some small problems with little square boxes at 
the end of text so I figured I would get a new printer. Replaced and HP OJ 7210 
with a nice HP OJ 8500 (on sale)

Envelope program so far has not wanted to play nice. I am not giving up but was 
wondering what other PPL use ?
Currently just defaulted to my other printer temporarily which works but still 
has the square boxed. I could use Office I guess but just used to using a 
standalone program for envelopes. I know there will be no way to transfer the 
data base.


Tallyho ! ]:8)
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