OK, I can now send attachments.
Sort of.
1st test was an imbedded picture (003.jpg) 924,439bytes.
I did get this one back!
But, it took a long time to send this file.
Yes, I do only have 256Kbps (well, maybe like 191Kbps) outbound on my wire. Yes, I think I've done the math!

So, I move on to Test02. Test02 is a 5.1MB dot.wmv
(Flashlight.wmv) file. (Interesting file for my family!)
Math shows ~20-21sec to send.........
IT fails/Times out ~12sec with my new setup. Expected; but still testing. I will go diddle w/timeout settings..in TBird...and re-test.

I have disabled my A/V from scanning OUTBound business.

Other than my 256Kbps limit, is there anywhere else I should peek/poke?
Yes, I am still learning TBird.

Please, for all of you "I do not do local Email business....", I don't need your opinion. I already know you do email via other channels I do NOT use.

I sincerely apologize for my last thread start......... Never my intention to start a "skirmish" about how BEST to do email....
I think WE do what we choose to do. Whatever.....

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