OK. You are correct. My math was way off now that I see your suggestion. Sorry. In future testing I will increase my file sizes by ~40% prior to any timing calcs should I ask another question in this thread.

My only observation ATM is that Eudora used to send quickly without fail. By contrast, Thunderbird visually seems much slower. Because I can no longer get Eudora to work with the new required server settings, I do not seem to be able to do an A-B comparison. I can only use 9 years of Eudora experience against ~6 months learning Thunderbird. Agreed. Not quite scientific; but, what I have ATM.

In the past, I've asked all people to limit their inbounds here to 2MB or less. Most have acquiesced to this; still have one old friend that often forgets....still!... :)

Understand the proxy business, but, I am told that my current version of ESET (v2.7) does not use a proxy. It links into the windows winsock to do its' job. I believe I have disabled outbound mail scanning by ESET for my testing. I'm also told that ESET's V3.0 and v4.0 now DO use an internal proxy to do their tasks (disconnected from the windows winsock business).

Thank you for your clarification!

Gary VanderMolen wrote:
Your math is a bit off. A 5.1MB binary file will be more like 7MB by the time
it is encoded for mail transmission.
7MB=7000KB= 56000Kb. Divide that by 191 and you get 293 seconds, or
about 4.9 minutes.
Also, many ISPs have a limit on outgoing message size, usually somewhere
in the range of 2-20MB.

Some antivirus programs still route email through their proxy even when
scanning is disabled. This can cause a server time-out with large attachments.

Gary VanderMolen, MS-MVP (Mail)

From: "DSinc" <>
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 3:42 PM
To: "Hardware Group" <>
Subject: [H] Test01

OK, I can now send attachments.
Sort of.
1st test was an imbedded picture (003.jpg) 924,439bytes.
I did get this one back!
But, it took a long time to send this file.
Yes, I do only have 256Kbps (well, maybe like 191Kbps) outbound on my wire. Yes, I think I've done the math!

So, I move on to Test02. Test02 is a 5.1MB dot.wmv
(Flashlight.wmv) file. (Interesting file for my family!)
Math shows ~20-21sec to send.........
IT fails/Times out ~12sec with my new setup. Expected; but still testing. I will go diddle w/timeout TBird...and re-test.

I have disabled my A/V from scanning OUTBound business.

Other than my 256Kbps limit, is there anywhere else I should peek/poke?
Yes, I am still learning TBird.

Please, for all of you "I do not do local Email business....", I don't need your opinion. I already know you do email via other channels I do NOT use.

I sincerely apologize for my last thread start......... Never my intention to start a "skirmish" about how BEST to do email....
I think WE do what we choose to do. Whatever.....

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