It was pricey if I remember when reading about it a year or so ago, needs video card beefy enough to drive a single head at a resolution equivalent to two or more displays.

It's one of those dream toys that's need will fade with 3+ head card solutions before I get around to plunking down cash for it (or just after I do, LOL).

There are videos on YouTube showing it in action for gaming.

Bino Gopal wrote:
Huh; this kind of blows my mind!  So of all the people here on the *HWG* not
a single person who games has gone and even *tried* this setup for their
gaming?!  Is it really just that out there, or was it the cost, or just not
enough game support...or was it just *gasp*, lack of interest?!

It seems like a totally cool feature/toy/enhancement for $300; the only
reason I've held off this long was b/c I had (and still have) an ATI card
(and didn't think about this when I upgraded! :P), and the fact my native
res is 1600x1200 and the TripleHead2Go doesn't go that high...*sigh*

Has anyone at least read anything about it or found some good reviews/links
on it that they wouldn't mind posting (just double-checking my own research
for any caveats/gotchas I may have missed)?

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