You know of course that now you have said that..........................

-----Original Message-----
>From: DSinc <>
>Sent: Jun 11, 2009 5:05 PM
>To: Hardware Group <>
>Subject: [H] DSL outage during storms seems to be FIXED!
>I recall asking opinions about loosing dsl during rain and/or TStorms in 
>the past. I am in SE USA. ISP is ATT/BellSouth.
>Today I can report that I believe my original Westell 6100 either went 
>bad, or, became highly sensitive to external electrical storms; well, 
>perhaps the inductive additions on the phone line.
>I have been back online with a replacement Motorola Netopia 2210-02-1006 
>modem since 5/28/09. I have not lost SYNC once since.  Hot little 
>sucker, but all seems well.  Just had a Thunder-Boomer w/heavy rain come 
>through and my dsl connection never dropped or even rotated its' IP 
>addy.  I figure this trouble is over, for now. On to other 
>stuff................ :)
>Thank you for all your help, opinion, suggestions and recs.

Mark Dodge

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