I doubt it will be on Connect. MS has told us beta testers that
there will be no mass giveaway of RTM copies to the testers.
We were also told there could be up to a 2-3 week delay before it's
available on MSDN and TechNet.

Gary VanderMolen, MS-MVP (Mail)

From: "Greg Sevart" <ad...@xfury.net>
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 11:22 AM
To: <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
Subject: Re: [H] Windows 7 RC is out for download

Current rumor is that build 6.1.7600.16385 (not 6.1.7600.16384) has
successfully been voted the RTM build just as of yesterday, and will be
available on Connect (and potentially MSDN and TechNet) on July 24. I'd be
wary of anything you might find available for download, since supposedly all
16385 ISO builds out there are 3rd party re-packs from the only leaked
copy--a VHD.

We'll see. :)

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