Wide screen is the way to go IMHO. Adjusting to how the "landscape" changes strikes me as a PITA, let you know if ever I get there!

If you load Fire Gestures add-on there are right-click mouse strokes that will do the font size adjustment with a flick of the wrist. I forgot you can also do CTRL+mouse wheel to do the same.

Just wish the rest of windows was as accomodating when it comes to font size tweaking, on-the-fly or permanent. A feature to hope for in Win7 or Vista I guess. ;)

DSinc wrote:
I printed your reply. I will play more this afternoon with this.
Yes, I did fully expect some abnormality moving from a 4:3 panel to a 16:9 panel. Guess I am still trying to adjust. Still believe that wide-screen is the way to go........ :)
Well, finding good 4:3 panels is now getting tough. LOL!

I'll also check out the ctrl+? functions in FF. I have really never used any of them before. Just never needed to remember this before. Now, it seems to be part of the game for us "tired eyed" viewers.
Thank you for the suggestions and background.


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