Cable modem should be on 1st *tap*, no later.
Taps should be used instead of splitters, working from highest to lowest attenuation as you run down a cable segment.
If splitting, do it sooner rather than later.
Distribution amps have 0 insertion loss, unlike splitters.

Taps are unbalanced splitters that attenuate one leg but not the other. Advantage? Nearer devices get just what they need leaving more db left over going to devices further down the segment.

Greg Sevart wrote:
If all of your runs come back to one place, I'd chuck all of the splitters
and get a single amp. Not just any amp--the stuff you can usually find
locally typically inserts so much noise that you're better off w/o an amp at

Electroline amps are considered to be among the best available. They do have
one model with 0 return loss.


-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:hardware-] On Behalf Of Steve Tomporowski
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 9:29 AM
Subject: [H] Cable Modems & Splitters

Okay, does any of this make sense?  What have I got wrong?  Also, would
a low return loss amp be the best bet?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated!


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