On Wed, 9 Sep 2009, Brian Weeden wrote:

Why not just use the IE Tab extension and toggle the page over to the IE
renderer when you need to?

May as well use IE at that point. Training. If you need to train a user to use a different program for a certain internal site, then you're spending $$$ (even 15 minutes of training for 100 users is 25 man hours assuming the training is perfect)

Or is there something about certain Active X plugins not working with it?

Seriously, Active X was one of the WORST design choices Microsoft has ever
made from a security standpoint.  SO many of the security holes in IE (and
thus Windows) come from Active X it's not even funny.  Which again makes me
laugh that companies insist that they must use IE for Active X and that they
can't use Firefox because it can't be secured :)

I agree. ActiveX needs to die a quick death. The problem is that big companies spend millions on internal websites. If it has been written with IE as the supported base with internal ActiveX programs, good luck getting anyone to agree to a re-write. Plus, who actually knows if the person who wrote/designed that ActiveX control is even with the company anymore?

For a company, Firefox is not free.

Christopher Fisk
Zoidberg: Muy macho. Hey, gringos, here comes El Zoido to ruin your drinking water!

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