The overwhelming majority of it is consumed by raw over-the-air HDTV
captures off my HTPC and lab/testing virtual machines (like clustered
Exchange and SQL Server, beta operating systems, etc). The drives are
stuffed in 9 different systems, 4 of which have real RAID cards, and some of
the others are using Intel Matrix RAID. I occasionally go on a kick and
start re-encoding some of the content to save space, but most of it just
stays as-is. I've actually got a tremendous amount of free space as well
since I've started doing fewer captures and depend more on my cable-provided
DVR. Honestly, a good chunk of the capacity can probably be attributed to
just thinking storage is interesting.

My power usage is....high. My highest bill this summer was just over $300
for a 1268 sq. foot 2BR all-electric apartment. A large chunk of that is in
cooling, though...

I just did a count...I've got 55 drives actually running (3 of those
technically in cable DVRs), and another 10 (7 of those 250-500GB) currently
waiting for reassignment.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:hardware-
>] On Behalf Of Bino Gopal
> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:44 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [H] 1.5 TB & 2.0 TB hard drives
> Lol, I know this is "the HWG" but still...*SIXTY* drives?!  Wow, are
> you
> running your own website or something from home?!  Or just trying to
> archive
> small portions of the internet?! :P  Hehe, do you get a special support
> #
> with WD for that; tier 1 customer or something?
> Hmm, what's your power bill like to have all that HW running like
> that??  I
> know I had to consciously start shutting off my main PC (as I wasn't
> using
> it as often since I'm mostly on the laptop) and with just that change
> (ok,
> and being a bit more careful with lights, etc) we dropped our power
> bill 25%
> vs last year-though it's still ~$100/mo (for a 3 bedroom apt in West
> LA)...
> :P
>                                                       BINO

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