A friend gave me a Tape-to-DVD machine a couple years ago.
An older Go.Video model. (I think they closed down.)

The Macrovision on the tapes pervents them from being copied.
YMMV...  (Good luck.)

Since I had a Video camera since 1981,
I had lots of other uses for it, <grin>...

Rick Glazier

----- Original Message ----- From: "Al" > Just gained access to a hugh collection of VCR tapes, old rental store
inventory. Great stuff from Cinderella to Debbie Does Dallas.

Been reading online about copying to DVD, seems I need some hardware.
Any recommendations? Anyone have something in the back of the closet to
recycle? Gladly pay any reasonable amount + shipping.

There's a hugh pile of tapes, so something  I can use with little input
from me would be preferred.

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