I use TrueCrypt to protect any and all sensitive data.   You could create an
encrypted volume and copy the folder to it.  When it is unmounted it is
encrypted and unreadable, to use you simple mount it and assign a drive
letter.  It can be driven via the command line and/or using Launchy (open
source keystroke launcher).   Works great and I would highly recommend it.

Twigs snap and tracks fade, a photograph reacquaints

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 11:21 AM, FORC5 <fuf...@cox.net> wrote:

> Any suggestion on PW protecting a local folder ?
> google found a few suggestions that did not work.
> thanks
> fp
> --
> Tallyho ! ]:8)
> Taglines below !
> --
> Better to understand little than misunderstand a lot.

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