Naushad, Zulfiqar wrote:
> Congrats on the child to come.
> My wife is pregnant @ 7 Months and I already have a 3 1/2 year old
> daughter and trust me it's tough (to say the least).
> But when I come home from work my daughters reaction makes it all
> worthwhile!
Congrats.  This group is really growing up...  Of course I joined the
HWG when I was in high school...

My wife and I are in a similar situation.

Rebecca is 2 weeks old today, and our son is about a 2 and 1/2 years old :)

Rebecca was born via C-Section on Dec 7th


It's worth every minute of it.  The long nights, waking up every few
hours to help with breast feedings, everything.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Brian Weeden
> Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 9:24 PM
> To: hardware
> Subject: Re: [H] Potentially dumb networking question
> Putting everything on the switch and running a cable to the router is
> exactly what I meant to say.
> These things happen when you mix toddler + pregnant wife + prepping for
> inlaws visting for Christmas.
> ---------------------------
> Brian Weeden
> Technical Advisor
> Secure World Foundation <>
> +1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
> +1 (202) 683-8534 US

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