It -should- work. They're the same socket, but the 55xx series Xeons have an
additional QPI link for 2P (multi-socket) operation. Other than that, the
55xx series offers no benefits aside from perhaps a little more individual
validation relative to its single-QPI siblings.

I'm waiting for the 2.8GHz i7-930 in February before moving away from my
3.6GHz C2Q.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:hardware-
>] On Behalf Of Rick Glazier
> Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 7:59 PM
> To: The Hardware List
> Subject: [H] Intel Compatibility Question. CERTAIN CPU + MB
> This is a real question. I have the MB already,
> I'm going to have the CPU next week,
> That is a given fact...   (This is NOT a drill...)
> I have a new, boxed INTEL branded MB: WX58BP
> <
> specifications.htm>
> It has a certain MB chipset.
> <
> 030362.htm>
> I was told with a 99% positive "guess rating" that an  Intel CPU: E5520
> would work in this MB, even though the <??(required)??>(is it
> required?)
> MB chipset is a different series for this (much) better CPU.
> <>
> What does the collective wisdom here think?
> It would be great if they worked together.
> If not:
> I might have to get the (slowest) i7-920 SLBCH
> or the (slowest) W3520 SLBEW because they are
> actually listed as tested CPUs for this MB.
> If anyone replies, please say how sure you are.
> Rick Glazier

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